Eugen G Tarnow May 18 2016 01:55:14 PM
By Eugen Tarnow, Ph.D.
Avalon Business Systems, Inc.
The Wall Street Journal recently devised a side-by-side comparison of what very conservative and very liberal users see when they go on Facebook.
I thought it might be interesting to see whose discourse level was more sophisticated - conservatives or liberals?
I used the comments that travel around with the news articles on all the topics categorized by the Wall Street Journal: "Hillary Clinton", "Donald Trump", "Bernie Sanders", "Barack Obama", "Guns", "Abortion", "ISIS", "Transgender" and "Facebook" and copied them into Word, replacing all names by "Jane" to remove any bias from "Donald Trump" having fewer characters than "Hillary Clinton", for example.
I then ran the Readability statistics and found:
Very conservative: 7.5
Very liberal: 6.6
using the Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level.
I did not check what the error bars might be (probably a full grade) but note that our high school education seems under utilized for both our very liberal and very conservative friends.
This entry is scored at the Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level 12.
The texts used are displayed below:
Here's why Jane is APPEALING and ... Jane is APPALLING.
Brave Navy Seal DESTROYS Jane Right To Her Face.
This is awesome! We solute you soldier.
Can we get 5,000 'LIKES' for this Seal?
Jane's latest attack against Jane is a perfect example of why many Americans don't want her anywhere near the White House. This could be a BIG preview of Jane's strategy for the general election.
Will these kind of attacks help Jane defeat Jane?
Despite Jane's desperate attempts the facts of what really happened in the Benghazi attack are coming to light.
The New York Times's hit piece on Jane continues to unravel. Now Jane says she has nothing but respect for Jane and they lied about her account too.
?I want to promulgate the idea that just because someone has a different opinion than yours it does not make them the enemy,? Jane said.
"I?ve experienced more pure, unadulterated anti-Semitism since coming out against Jane?s candidacy than at any other time in my political career. Jane supporters...greeted the birth of my second child by calling for me, my wife, and two children to be thrown into a gas chamber."
Want nightmares?
He literally lost delegates with no one else running.
This family is not fit to run a lemonade stand let alone a country.
MSNBC?s Nicolle Wallace argued that if Jane loses to Jane in November it will be because Jane stayed in the presidential race so long and due to his effective attacks on the Democratic front-runner.
Jane supporters -- are you getting this?
"As the young American left continues to champion the rise of socialist policies in our own country, many are left wondering if these idealistic collectivists are really prepared for the realities of socialism." -- Generation Opportunity
Public schools in Jane's hometown of Chicago have just taken this transgender bathroom insanity to the next level.
What they're demanding students do now shows exactly how set they are on brainwashing our children that perversion is perfectly normal.
This is sick, and it must be stopped NOW.
This is not OK!
What treachery. It it the greatest acts of treason by a President in American history (rivaled by the Benghazi betrayal and cover-up) and yet not a critical word in the press. Scant attention is paid to Jane's towering betrayal.
How many of you agree she should be headed for prison instead of the White House?
"People who really are struggling against oppression do not resort to inventing slurs or smelting smoking guns; they have enough to deal with in the real world."
Who could have ever predicted this would happen?
Jane was molested by male migrant gang in New Year attacks. The 17-year-old and her friend described it as 'the worst night of our lives.' She said worst part was witnesses, including police, did nothing to stop it.
These girls need guns just like the Jews needed guns -- Germany is reverting but this time the victims are Germans.
NYT & The Left are desperately trying to make Jane look like a cad.
Why don't they turn those guns of The Lolita Express's frequent flyer and serial rapist, Bill Jane?
ACLU Trying to Shut Down Catholic Hospitals Because They Refuse to Do Abortions
Yesterday's Supreme Court ruling on President Jane's abortion-pill mandate was a major victory not only for the Little Sisters of the Poor, but also for the religious freedom of every American.
Read and Share as we explain the Court's ruling and why it is significant.
Louisiana Legislature Passes Bill to Ban Dismemberment Abortions Tearing Off Baby?s Limbs
It's time to end taxpayer funding for abortion providers. Click here!
BREAKING: South Carolina Legislature Passes Bill to Ban Abortions After 19 Weeks When Babies Feel Pain
JANE was right again.........
At Least Nine Americans Who Joined ISIS Were Immigrants to US!
CARTEL OR ISIS? TEXAS FATHER Pushes For Answers In Son's Murder: "They cut my son's head off and they took my son's head!"
And it's crickets from the main stream media on this horrific crime...
63 confirmed deaths!!
Here's why Jane is APPEALING and ... Jane is APPALLING.
These Target bosses and employees were just starting to get comfortable with the company's sick transgender bathroom policy.
But then they looked outside and saw who was waiting for them in the parking lot, and that changed everything.
Now they're as worried as they've ever been. Good. We need to keep up the pressure until they remove this perverted rule once and for all.
Target has committed itself to keeping its transgender bathroom policy in place, and now many of its stores are going to be facing HARSH consequences. Executives at Target never expected this to happen, and it may cause the company A LOT of damage.
Share this if you are boycotting Target!
Public schools in Jane's hometown of Chicago have just taken this transgender bathroom insanity to the next level.
What they're demanding students do now shows exactly how set they are on brainwashing our children that perversion is perfectly normal.
This is sick, and it must be stopped NOW.
OUR GAY PRESIDENT SPEAKS: If being transgender is now considered a human right, then where does it end? When people want to have sex with animals will that become a human right? Does the North American Man Boy Love Association qualify for protection under Jane?s madness? If ?all love is love?, as Jane and the LGBT Mafia keep telling us, then NAMBLA should absolutely come under Federal protection.The bottom of this pit runs very deep, and it ends in Hell.
Jane Appoints Mentally Sick Transgender Man to Lead Presidential Council
They probably won't let you read this, but we'll try anyway....
Will Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg sit down, man to man, with Milo Yiannopoulos?
Please take a moment and go to the website and check out ANY article as Facebook is playing games with our algorithm again. Thank you!
The liberal media are ignoring a MAJOR part of the Facebook scandal.
Facebook was recently caught red-handed suppressing conservative news and viewpoints.
According to this liberal at the New Republic, free speech SHOULD be stifled if it comes from conservatives. Do you agree with him?
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How many people need to say Jane is innocent before Republicans drop it? Never mind. We know they won't.
Jane bested Jane in dramatic fashion.
Jane is the winner of an astonishingly close race against Jane in Kentucky, NBC News projected on Tuesday night.
What an idiot.
Just one of the many ways he respects women.
Let's be real. Who wants a President Jane?
British Prime Minister Jane brilliantly explains why they shouldn't ban Jane.
Video by Occupy Democrats, LIKE our page for more!
The author wanted one page he could send social media "trolls" who deny Jane's anti-gay, racist, sexist rhetoric ? and insist you "prove it."
We were only too happy to oblige.
"It's sort of painful to see a good person like Jane turned into such a sullen and resentful man. And doubly painful to see him take his followers down that path too."
Making the case for energy and enthusiasm's importance, Jane tells Californians it ain't nearly over yet.
"I come from the working class of this country and I'll be damned if we will allow the Republican Party, whose job is to represent the rich and the powerful, to win the votes of working-class Americans." ?Sen. Jane
Jane notches another victory.
TYT Politics Reporter Jane reported from Senator Jane Portland, Oregon headquarters on May 15th, 2016. Inside lies walls draped with incredible artwork depicting the progressive Senator and other themes of the progressive movement.
What an idiot.
This disproves everything Republicans have been saying about raising wages.
This disproves everything Republicans have been saying about raising wages.
Jane hates aiding the sick, apparently...
LIKE A BOSS! Pres. Jane Makes Overtime Pay Available To 4 Million Americans. Read more on the rules issued today by POTUS.
Grio fam, what are your thoughts on this?
I wonder how he's going to explain that mustache in prison? He had lots guns and ammo on him, too.
Doesn't this sound kind of familiar? Isn't this the same fear-mongering the GOP tried when President Jane ran?
Something is terribly wrong with America, babies, and guns. Don't know what the solution is, but this is officially way past insane.
What is he smoking?! I guess he was just in Washington state.
AC/DC have released a video showing rehearsal footage ahead of their live debut with temporary frontman Guns N' Roses' Jane. Watch below.
?It wasn?t abortion that birthed the religious right. It was good old white Nativism and anti-government anger when the IRS challenged evangelicals? god given right to go to school without black people.?
He is totally busted.
For over 30 years, Jane has been dedicated to keeping the clinic doors open to ensure women of Alabama have access to reproductive healthcare that includes abortion care services. Last year she was one of the recipients of the ACLU?s the Jane Medal of Liberty because she is a dedicated nurse, mother, provider and hero.
Alabama Governor Jane has signed into law a measure banning abortion clinics from operating within 2,000 feet of a K-8 public school.
Isn?t it ironic: tough abortion restrictions do not lead to fewer abortions? Restrictions do not prevent abortion, but they do make it less safe. As abortion restrictions sweep across the country, new reports show that such restrictions don?t actually decrease the abortion rate.
This week ISIS has stepped up violent attacks in Iraq ? but you might have missed it.
WARNING: Graphic footage.
This is proof that Republicans don?t care about ISIS unless they?re using it to scare up votes.
These are outright lies. And Jane just keeps repeating them.
What's the difference between Jane and ISIS? It's starting to sound like not much.
The war against ISIS is being conveyed to us as if we're on Snapchat. Important things happen, they appear in front of us and then... POOF!... they're gone. But just because we now have terrifyingly short memories does not, however, mean that critical things did not happen.
A stark contrast on LGBTQ issues.
Being transgender is not a mental disorder ? so why is it still classified as one?
This man doesn?t belong on a public platform. He belongs in an institution.
She donated her hair to kids with cancer, then she met a bigot in a bathroom.
Read the whole story HERE
MISSING: 19-year-old Jane was last seen leaving a dorm party on campus. She was on a full scholarship at Columbia University in the City of New York.
The student's mobile phone & bank account numbers have been changed. Her Facebook page has been deactivated as well. DETAILS ---
Jesus is going to be so disappointed in him.
Last November, she posted a message on Facebook saying she had taken an overdose.
This is the result of anti-LGBT hate speech..
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