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Eugen Tarnow


      Unemployment after 2008 is hidden in a lower labor force participation rate

      Eugen G Tarnow  July 1 2015 02:40:39 PM
      By Eugen Tarnow, Ph.D.
      Avalon Business Systems, Inc.

      We have all heard that the unemployment has gone back to levels before 2008:

      Image:Unemployment after 2008 is hidden in a lower labor force participation rate

      You may also have heard about the labor participation rate declining:

      Image:Unemployment after 2008 is hidden in a lower labor force participation rate

      Well if we combine the two, the effective unemployment rate is:

      Image:Unemployment after 2008 is hidden in a lower labor force participation rate

      As you can see, it went up after 2008 and reached a plateau in 2010.  It has not gone down since.
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