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Eugen Tarnow


    An unpopular drug

    Eugen Tarnow  September 4 2015 12:39:56 PM
    By Eugen Tarnow, Ph.D.
    Avalon Business Systems, Inc.

    There are some drugs that are very unpopular with patients. "X" is one of them.  Here are its ratings:

    Image:An unpopular drug
    Figure 1.  Number of ratings as a function of rating.

    One might wonder whether there is anything redeeming about the drug?  For example, can it be prescribed under different circumstances to make it more palatable?

    Image:An unpopular drug
    Figure 2. Number of ratings as a function of condition for which it was prescribed.

    Does not look like it can!  Since 78% of patients rates the drug as a complete flop, there is not even any room left over even for the placebo effect...

    What is its most common side-effect?  Varieties of pain!

    Image:An unpopular drug
    Figure 3.  Words preceding "pain" in patient reviews.

    We at Avalon can assist with your statistics needs.  We use SPSS Modeler, Python and R to get the results.

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