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Eugen Tarnow


      The Relationship of College Degree to Current Job

      Eugen G Tarnow  October 16 2017 10:59:56 AM
      By Eugen Tarnow, Ph.D.
      Avalon Business Systems, Inc.

      Is college a great way to prepare for a job or is it a yoke for the youth to bear to allow them membership in adult society?

      300 alumni of a large private university, members of an honor society, having completed their BS, MA, or PhD between 1983-2016 were surveyed as to the relationship of their college degree to their current job.

      81% of respondents deemed the college degree to be necessary to obtain their current job.

      Image:The Relationship of College Degree to Current Job

      On average 71% of the college degree was judged as relevant to the current job (see figure below). The mode was at 100% and the distribution had a very large standard deviation (34%) and range (from 0% to 100%).  An ANOVA showed a very large division between those who did not deem the college degree to be necessary for their current job (25% of college degree useful) and those who did (78% of college degree useful). For those whose jobs required the degree the range was large (0-100%) but the standard deviation somewhat smaller (28%).

      Image:The Relationship of College Degree to Current Job

      The single most useful course in the major was typically a second year course (average year level was 2.3).

      A 19% response rate was obtained.

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